How to Apply an Edible Image to a Cake

How to Apply an Edible Image to a Cake


Throughout my years of baking and decorating, clients are always looking to add a special personal touch to their orders. I have found edible images to be a perfect way to create a professional personalized touch to any order for any occasion. 

Edible images are a tasty and easy way to add impressive decoration to any cake, but it doesn’t have to stop there as edible images can be used on cupcakes, cookies, chocolate, or on fondant as well as other dessert items.

In this blog, we will discuss how to apply an edible image to a cake. Some people find it very difficult to place it on a cake, but believe me in the beginning I was right there as my image would often rip when taking it off the backing.

For this post, we want to provide you with basic instructions on how to use it as well as tips on how to transfer it from the back sheet onto a cake without it ripping.   

What is an Edible Image?  

An edible image is the process of either preprinting or creating an image using edible food coloring that is transferred to edible paper using a special device or food-safe printer. 

Edible paper is made of starches and sugars. Some edible inks and paper materials have been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)  and carry the same certification as confectionery products used on cookies, cakes, and other pastries. 

Edible paper may be printed using a standard printer. Any inkjet printer can be used and to avoid contamination you should convert your printer to using solely edible ink cartridges as they are sold commercially throughout the US and in Europe.  

How to Apply an Edible Image to a Cake

How do I get the Edible Image off the Back Sheet?  

Some find it very challenging to remove the image off the back sheet, a lot of it has to do with how the image is stored. You want to be sure to keep it in an air-tight sealed bag like a ziplock bag until usage. 

The icing sugar reacts to its environment so if the temperature is hot or humid it will absorb a lot of the moisture making it more difficult to remove. If the room is more frigid or cool, the icing image can break when removing it. 

The easiest way to remove an icing sheet without difficulty is to pop the sheet still in the sealed bag in the freezer for about 30 seconds. By keeping it in the bag, will help to prevent any moisture or water from getting onto the edible image which can cause the ink on the image to run. 

It should come right off the back sheet, but if you are still having trouble and it is not coming off easily stick it back in the freezer for another 15-30 seconds.  If you are concerned about getting water on the image by putting it in the freezer.

The alternative method is to hold both ends of the backing sheet with the image facing up and run the image across the sharp edge of a table, counter, or sink, gently rolling the back sheet over the sharp edge to help release the image.

Begin at one end and keep rolling down. Remember, do not pull too hard but be firm, as the icing sheet is very delicate.

You may notice the middle may begin to release first, you can also use your small spatula during this time to work the edges but be gentle do not pull too hard on the sheet as it is still delicate and can rip. Keep rolling the sheet up and down using both hands until it gradually comes off the sheet.  

How to Apply an Edible Image to a Cake

What can You Place an Edible Image on?     

Edible images can be used on different frosting options, such as buttercream, Swiss meringue or Italian buttercream, fondant, whipped cream, non-dairy topping, ganache, chocolate, and even ice cream cakes. I have found the best results come from buttercream and fondant. 

When using whipping cream, the image does sink into the cream, but I didn’t find the colors to run on the cake but it is not easy to move once placed in position as the icing sugar begins to blend in with the cream frosting.

When using fondant, I notice if you chill the cake prior to applying the edible image you don’t have to use water which may cause the colors to possibly run, if the cake is cool it will adhere to the fondant with no problem.   

How to Apply an Edible Image to a Cake

Helpful Hints When Working with Edible Images: 

When placing the image on the cake work from the inside out as you want to get out all the bubbles out be sure your hands are clean and work in a circular motion smoothing out the image. Work quickly to be sure not to leave any visible fingerprints.  

If the edible image creases or rips while placing it on the cake gently rub the area back together, stop if the rip or crease is getting worse. 

If your frosting becomes dry, spray a fine mist spray of water (use a spray bottle) on your frosting before applying the edible image. 

It is ok to refrigerate your cake after the image is placed on the cake.   

Freezing your cake with the edible image on it, is also ok, the colors do not run.  

If the edible image has become dry and brittle, if you place it back in the air-tight sealed bag and leave it in room temperature setting for at least an hour will bring back the moisture into the sheet.  

We hope you found this blog helpful and will give edible images a try for your next cake project.

We love hearing from you, send us pics of your edible image cakes or drop a comment if you found this post helpful.

Until next time Happy Caking!  

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I am truly driven by what I create and bring the knowledge of what I have learned throughout the years to help other bakers turn a hobby into a new venture. I hope you find this blog warm and inviting as my goal is to fill it with delicious treats and awesome recipes.

14 thoughts on “How to Apply an Edible Image to a Cake

    1. Hi Tammy

      Most of the time the bubbles come from not smoothing down the image after you lay it on the cake. After laying the image on the cake its best to work from the center and smoothing outward. Small smooth stokes back and forth. It’s best to do this on a chilled cake so the image doesn’t rip while smoothing. I hope these tips help. Best of luck on your next cake 🙂

  1. This is my first time using an edible image. It came off a heavier paper very easy. Is there another backing that needs to be removed from the image? I can’t seem to find an edge if there is one. Help!! Thanks

    1. Hi Leslee,

      Thank you for your comment, you can place your edible image in the freezer for about 3-5 minutes and it should come off the backing a lot easier, it’s also the fastest way to do it without damaging the image. You can also run the backing against the edges of your table. If the icing is starting to peel away as you bend the backing, use the edge or a sharp corner of your wall to help you release it. An important thing to remember is that you are trying to peel the backing away from the edible image, not the other way around since the icing is very delicate. Run the backing sheet back and forth over the tabletop or wall corner and you should see it starting to loosen up. There should be no other backing on the image then the paper. I hope this helps!

  2. Hi Melissa,

    Thank you for this, it answered many of my questions! But I am trying to make the transition between the edible image and the fondant undetectable without using an icing border or similar; basically as if the image were printed onto the fondant itself…is this possible? Could I use some water and rub out the edges?

    1. Hi Holly

      Thank you for your comment! I wouldn’t recommend using water as the ink on the image may run or ruin the image, what I have seen baker’s do mostly with edible image figures is cut out the image out so it looks more seamless and there are no round lines which would not need a border. I hope that helps.

  3. Hi Melissa

    I am a beginner. I plan to do buttercream icing. Is the image put directly on buttercream? Does the image remain clear on buttercream or will the fat mess it up over time.
    Thank you in advance

    1. Hi Martha,

      I mostly place my edible image on buttercream cakes as well and the image remains intact with no mess. You can also place it in the fridge with no problems. I hope that helps🤗

    1. Thank you for your questions, you can put the cake in the fridge with the image on it about 1-2 days in advance. Possibly as long as 5 days but I typically have only done it within 48 hrs

  4. Does the buttercream need to be freshly applied or can it harden first? If so how does it adhere?

    1. Thank you for your question, your buttercream should be firm when you place your edible image. Since the image is made of buttercream it should adhere with no issues.

  5. This is my first time making a ice cream cake all ice cream with a edible image what is the best way to apply it do I need to apply fondant first it has to be done by Sunday

    1. Hi Brenda,

      Thank you for your comment, from my experience you should be able to apply the edible image directly to the cake without adding a fondant backing, I haven’t experienced any issues when I do it that way. I hope that helps!!

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