How to Make a Gender Reveal Cake using M&M’s

How to Make a Gender Reveal Cake using M&M’s


Gender reveal parties have presently become very popular, as more expecting parents are using it as a way to celebrate their pregnancy and to find out the gender of their baby.

There are so many unique ideas to make your gender reveal a one-of-a-kind memorable celebration. According to, a gender reveal party usually occurs around the 20th week of pregnancy.

Instead of the ultrasound technician telling the parents-to-be wither it’s a boy or girl. The technician would write it down and place the note in a sealed envelope so you can be surprised later while surrounded by your friends and family.

The uniqueness of this special moment has become an attractive trend even among celebrities. As expecting parents are going to extremes to make sure the day they reveal their baby’s sex is amazing. 

Dreaming up the perfect gender reveal party can be fun. As a gender reveal can be done using a giant balloon being popped to release pink or blue confetti, a big wrapped gift box being opened to display pink or blue balloons, or even using a cake to reveal pink or blue cake colors or buttercream filling.

Crafting a different gender reveal idea that’s unique to you and your family is what makes the process enjoyable and how you do it is completely up to you. 

For this blog, we will be discussing the use of a cake to reveal a baby’s gender.

Over the weekend, I had the exciting opportunity to make a cake for a client’s gender reveal party. To make this experience unique, the client wanted to include M&M in the middle to reveal her new bundle of joy, sex.

Selecting the Perfect Cake Recipe 

Before starting, it’s essential to choose a cake recipe that will complement the M&M’s filling. A moist, fluffy cake is ideal, as it will help to create the perfect contrast when the M&M’s are revealed. Some excellent options include: 

Whichever recipe you choose, ensure that it yields two equal-sized cake layers. This will make it easier to assemble and ensure that the M&M’s filling is evenly distributed.

Preparing the Gender Reveal Cake using M&M’s Filling 

To prepare the M&M’s filling, you will need the following ingredients: 

  1. 1 bag of M&M’s (pink or blue for gender reveal) 
  1. 1 piping bag of buttercream frosting 

Before you start, make sure to separate the pink or blue M&M’s based on the gender of your baby. Next, mix the M&M’s with the buttercream frosting, ensuring they are evenly distributed throughout the mixture.

This will create a stable and delicious filling for your gender reveal cake. 

For this cake, we decided not only to include M&M’s but to also color the buttercream to match the baby’s gender. During the cake testing the mother to be provided me with an envelope that revealed the baby’s sex.

Once we finalized the order, I was able to go on to order the specific bulk bag of candy, I would need. Since the cake was 8 inches and I knew I wanted it to be tall. I went with a 2 lb bag of M&M’s.

It's a Girl M&M'S® Candy Blend (2-lb Bag)

On the website, you can find bulk bags specifically designed for “It’s a Boy” or “It’s a Girl” colored M&M’s. Alternatively, you can visit Amazon to purchase bags with your desired colors. 

For this cake, I used my classic vanilla cake recipe and American buttercream. I doubled the cake and buttercream recipes as I made 5 -8 inch round cakes and colored the buttercream pink. 

Since the client wanted a floral/ rosette design we decided to go with pastel colors to help usher in the thoughts of spring as well as her baby’s arrival. I also made an adorable grey teddy bear out of fondant for a cake topper. 

Gender Reveal Cake Ingredients

Classic Vanilla Cake Ingredients:

  • 2  1/2 cup flour
  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp of cornstarch 
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter (1 stick)
  • 2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cups buttermilk, room temperature
  • 3/4 cup vegetable oil


Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease and line four 7” round pans. Mix together all dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, baking soda, cornstarch, sugar, and salt) in a stand mixer with a paddle until fully combined.

Melt butter and slowly add to the dry mix, on low speed. Continue to mix until no butter remains, and the mixture becomes crumbly. Pour in eggs, one at a time, and mix on low until incorporated.

Mix in oil and buttermilk in two installments, at low speed. Add in vanilla and mix at low speed until everything is fully incorporated.

Scrape down the sides of the bowl with a spatula, then beat on medium-high for an additional 20-30 seconds.

Evenly divide that batter between five round cake pans. If you only have two cake pans pour the cake mixture into coated cake pans and bake your cakes in batches. Bake for 35-40 minutes, or until a skewer comes out clean.

Allow to cool for 10 minutes, then run an offset spatula around the perimeter of the pan to separate the cake from the pan. Place cake layers on a rack to finish cooling.

Gender Reveal Cake Buttercream Ingredients:

  • 1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 1 stick (1/2 cup) salted butter, room temperature
  • 8 cups of powdered sugar (2lb bag)
  • 1 tsp salt (optional)
  • 3 Tbsp. heavy cream
  • 3 tsp vanilla

While your cakes are cooling, you can work on preparing the frosting. You can also prepare your frosting overnight.  

Beat the butter on high for 7-10 minutes, until smooth you will notice the butter has changed color and is more white. Slowly add in the powdered sugar, 1 cup at a time. Alternate with 1 tsp of heavy cream until powdered sugar and cream are combined. Once fully mixed, add in the vanilla and salt.

The additional salt is optional as salted butter was used. I found adding the additional salt cut down on the sweetness of the frosting. Beat on medium until the ingredients are fully incorporated, and the desired consistency is reached.

If the frosting is too thick, add in cream (1 teaspoon at a time). If the frosting is too thin, add in more powdered sugar (a quarter of a cup at a time).

Since this frosting is for a baby girl, yep I opened the envelope. Use pink gel food coloring to color 2 1/2 cups of buttercream pink. Once the cake layers have completely cooled, use a 2.5 or 3-inch circle cookie cutter to cut out the center of the three cake layers you plan to put as the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th layers of your cake.

Use your uncut cake layer for the base. Frost with pink buttercream, then stack and frost both cut cake layers on top.

Fill the center fully with M&M’s, then top with the last, non-cut cake layer. Apply a thin layer of frosting (crumb coat), and place in the freezer to chill for 5 minutes.

Fill the center fully with M&M’s

Once fully chilled and firm to the touch, you will apply your rosettes and floral patterns to the cake.

Decorating your cake Decorating Supplies I used the following Wilton’s decorating tips for the cake:1M- to make the rosettes (pink, yellow, blue)18- to make stars (yellow)4B- to make shells (mint green)5- piping bags.

Frosting - Wilton’s decorating tips for the cake:1M- to make the rosettes (pink, yellow, blue)18- to make stars (yellow) 4B- to make shells (mint green) 5- piping bags

For the rosettes you want to start in the middle and then wrap around the middle for one full circle; moving at a continuous pace and allowing the rosette to build upward instead of being flat on the cake.

Rosettes wrap around the middle  cake

Add even pressure and when it comes to the end of each rose, ease up on how much pressure is applied to the piping bag; you want the tip of the rosettes to flow into the circle and not come up into a firm point.

Make sure there’s enough frosting in the piping bag before each rosette is ending. The ending of the rosette should overlap with the new one.

Be sure to practice on parchment paper before starting on the cake.

Alternate rosettes design with stars and shells designs.

This cake was such a fun cake to make, I know it must have been quite a sight to watch as the M&M’s exploded out of the cake.

Family and friends gathered, as the parents to celebrate the gender of their new little addition to their family. I am honored to have made this cake for such a joyous, memorable occasion.

How to Make a Gender Reveal Cake using M&M’s by Legacy Cakery

Revealing the Big Surprise 

When the time comes to reveal the gender of your baby, gather your guests and let the anticipation build. With a sharp knife, carefully cut into the cake, revealing the M&M’s filling.

As the M&M’s cascade out, the color will reveal the gender of your little one, creating a magical and unforgettable moment for everyone present. 

To ensure a smooth and clean reveal, follow these tips: 

  • Use a long, sharp knife to make a single, swift cut through the cake. 
  • Wipe the knife clean between cuts to avoid mixing the colors and maintain the surprise element. 
  • Encourage guests to take photos or videos of the reveal to capture the excitement and joy of the moment. 

Related Reading: Bearly Wait Baby Shower Cake Recipe: A Sweet Treat to Share


So there you have it! Making a gender reveal cake with M&M’s is not only a delightful way to share your baby’s gender but also a creative and enjoyable experience for you and your guests.  

Remember, it’s all about choosing the right cake, preparing that delectable M&M filling, assembling everything, and adding your personal touch with decorations.  

And when the time comes for the big reveal, be sure to savor the moment, capture the excitement, and celebrate the joy with your loved ones.  

Happy baking and congratulations on your little bundle of joy! 

If you have any questions or want to leave me a comment feel free to do so below.

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I am truly driven by what I create and bring the knowledge of what I have learned throughout the years to help other bakers turn a hobby into a new venture. I hope you find this blog warm and inviting as my goal is to fill it with delicious treats and awesome recipes.

2 thoughts on “How to Make a Gender Reveal Cake using M&M’s

  1. A fun cake filled with a colorful sweet surprise that tumbles out when you cut into it, revealing to your eager guests if the baby-to-be is a girl (pink) or a boy (blue)! MORE+ LESS-

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